set temp0= "ShowHyperText" & QUOTE & "15"& QUOTE set temp1= "ShowHyperText" & QUOTE & "69"& QUOTE set temp2= "ShowHyperText" & QUOTE & "108"& QUOTE set tempv3= "set videoName = " & QUOTE & "MAYONNAI"& QUOTE & RETURN & "go movie "& QUOTE & "TOURS" & QUOTE set HyperTextList = [ #3:temp0,#124:temp1,#118:temp2] set VideoList = [ #136:tempv3] @ HAKE IN ASPIC If you do not have a special fish casserole, use a large stewpot, cover the bottom and sides with a muslin cloth to take out the fish without breaking it. Put in the whole hake, keeping the head or removing it, dust with the court-bouillon powder, cover with cold water. Slowly bring to a boil, turn down the heat, simmer for 10 minutes, then remove from the heat and allow to cool a little. Take out the fish, place onto a serving dish, skin immediately. Sieve 1 1/3 cups of court-bouillon then dissolve the aspic in it. When cold and almost thick, use to coat the cold fish, 3 times at least, allowing to thicken over the fish each time, garnish with thin slices of lemon. Add a few spoons well seasoned mayonnaise with the cooked diced vegetables, fill the hollowed out tomatoes with this mixture. Decorate the dish with lettuce, tomatoes and flower-shaped lemons and the remaining aspic cut into cubes. Any type of fish which you like cold can be prepared in the same way. @ 1 hake weighing 5 1/2 lbs 1 court-bouillon cube 2 tbsp powdered aspic 6 small tomatoes 1 lb diced mixed vegetables, fresh, deep-frozen or canned 1 lettuce 2 lemons mayonnaise sauce @ 30 mn @ 30 mn @ @ Normandy @ Fish @ @ Crˇmant de Bourgogne @